The service you may access will depend on what you want to work on. The main thing when choosing a service is to ensure that the trainer or veterinarian promotes positive, force-free training techniques.
Using a force-free approach fosters a positive relationship between you, your pet, and their response to training. Negative reinforcement or punishment, from things like choker chains and prong or shock collars, to pushing a dog’s hind down to get them to sit harbours negative associations. This can lead to reactivity or more adverse behavioural problems, as they are experiencing and responding to distressing stimuli.
Approaches like negative reinforcement/punishment and alpha theory/pack theory have been debunked by current research as being inaccurate and harmful. More information is available on our FAQ page.
Most behavioural problems stem from our pets trying to communicate with us that their needs are not being met or that something is making them uncomfortable. By working to understand and address what they are trying to tell us, we can help change the behaviour in a way that benefits both the pet and the owner.